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What You Need to Know about Pool Remodeling

Each year, millions of people choose to remodel their homes to increase convenience, update aesthetics, and implement new technological features. Remodeling has almost become a national pastime as the sales receipts at home improvement stores would indicate. When you think of remodeling, you probably don’t think about your pool as a target of rejuvenation. However, pool remodeling can provide pool owners with many benefits that can not only freshen the look of your pool but decrease the need for swimming pool maintenance in Buford, GA.

What is swimming pool remodeling? As the name would indicate, pool remodeling is much like other home remodeling projects. Pool owners can update the look of their pools, add amenities, and install features that can take advantage of technology to lessen the load of swimming pool care significantly. However, despite the benefits associated with pool remodeling, it’s not a project that should be undertaken lightly. Some pool remodeling projects involve significant financial investments, and they also include time and a degree of inconvenience since your pool will be out of service while the work is done. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about pool remodeling before launching your next project.

Why Remodel Your Pool?

There are many reasons to initiate a pool remodeling project, just as there are many reasons homeowners undertake any other home remodeling project. Those reasons can include damage that requires repairs, such as cracks in the pool or damaged equipment. Some remodel their pools to take advantage of improved technology that allows for better energy efficiency or improved automation. Remodeling is also desirable if the pool has a dated look and requires a design refresh.

When Should I Remodel My Pool?

While you can technically remodel your pool almost any time of the year in a temperate environment, there are some preferred seasons for pool remodeling projects. Because some projects are extensive and take time to complete, you should avoid remodeling during months of peak use, such as June, July, and August. For many pool owners, autumn and winter are the best seasons to initiate pool remodeling projects.

What Remodeling Projects Are Possible?

There are myriad projects you can implement into your pool. The possibilities are as varied as the pool owners who perform them. For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to implement a spa area to your pool complex. Maybe you simply want to change the look of your pool by altering the shape, swapping out the tile, or adding a water feature. There are also practical improvements that fall beneath the umbrella of pool remodeling, such as adding or updating lighting, updating pool pumps and plumbing, installing a pool slide or diving structure, and performing improvements to the poolside area.

How Do I Get Started?

Fortunately, the pool remodeling process isn’t difficult to get started. First, you must find a pool contractor who can perform the work to your standards. Working with the contractor, you need to come up with a plan for bringing your dreams to reality in a practical sense. Once you have a contractor and a workable plan, your project will be scheduled. Work begins with draining the pool. Then, the remodeling tasks can begin. Depending on the scale of your project, these tasks could include chipping off old tile and replacing it with new tile, installing a new liner, accessing electrical systems and installing new equipment, or making repairs to cracks in the pool surface.

What are the Benefits of Pool Remodeling?

Obviously, a pool remodeling project offers a chance to update the look and function of your pool, which brings a wide range of benefits. You’ll get more enjoyment out of a rejuvenated pool, and remodeling allows you to fix issues or damage that detracted from your experience previously. If your project includes updating key equipment, it could also result in better efficiency. Finally, pool remodeling is an investment because it increases the value of your pool as well as your overall property value.

Pool remodeling projects can help pool owners get more enjoyment from their pools by updating aesthetics and implementing technology that can make maintenance and pool cleaning in Buford, GA, much more convenient. To learn more about pool remodeling projects, contact Sunrise Pool Services at (678) 804-0050. 

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.