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What to Do with Your Commercial Pool during the Pandemic

Summer is kicking off, and that usually means that public pools are throwing their gates wide open for patrons to come in and cool off. But in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, while some pools have been approved to open, many public pools are remaining closed. If your pool hasn’t been approved for opening yet, you might be wondering how you should be maintaining it. Do you keep the cover on or take it off? Do you need to be running the filtration system still or adding chemicals? Keep reading to get tips on proper commercial pool maintenance in John’s Creek during these uncertain times.

To Cover or Not to Cover?

That is the question. Or, at least, it’s one of the many questions that commercial pool owners are asking themselves right now. For outdoor commercial pools, covers are pretty common during the colder months, and by now, most have been uncovered and prepared for opening. But if you’re still closed, you might be wondering if you should keep that cover on.

In warm weather, keeping a cover on a pool increases the chance for algae development, so you may want to consider removing it. If you do choose to keep the cover on, be sure to remove water and debris from the top of the pool cover regularly. You should also lift the cover and manually add chlorine. You may also need to add algaecide to prevent or combat the growth of algae while the pool is covered. And, of course, be sure to maintain proper alkalinity and pH levels.

Should You Drain the Pool?

It is usually not advisable to fully drain a public pool when it’s not in use. However, if you have spas or hot tubs at your facility, you can fully drain these if you wish.

What Systems Should Be Running?

For both indoor and outdoor pools, it’s recommended that you have the filter running as normal at all times. This ensures that the water is being treated and circulated properly to prevent algae growth and the reproduction of bacteria. Make sure water levels are kept high enough in order for the filtration system to run properly.

If your pool has heaters, supplemental oxidation systems, or other special features, you don’t need to run these while your pool is closed.

Should Chemicals Be Maintained?

You should absolutely be maintaining chemical levels at the highest levels permitted for public pools. As mentioned earlier, this helps keep the water clean and sanitary, which makes it easier for you to reopen as soon as you’re allowed to do so. Keep in mind, however, that without the regular presence of swimmers, contaminants will be introduced much less frequently (especially for indoor pools), so you likely won’t need to add chemicals as frequently as you normally do during the swimming season.

Consider Making Upgrades

Finally, consider using this time to make upgrades and improvements to your pool facility. You may want to focus on adding more showers and handwashing stations around the pool to encourage proper hygiene from swimmers when they can finally return to your pool. The CDC has stated that there’s no evidence that COVID-19 is spread through the use of pools and spas, but it can be spread by person-to-person contact or on surfaces, so it’s important to encourage swimmers to wash frequently.

If you’re looking for pool maintenance supplies in John’s Creek, contact Sunrise Pool Services, Inc., today to get what you need so that you’ll be ready when you’re allowed to open your pool again!

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Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.