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Tips for Identifying a Pool Stain

When you make the investment in a luxurious pool, you do so with the knowledge that there will be recurring maintenance involved to keep your oasis in pristine condition. One persistent issue that should be handled by a company offering regular swimming pool maintenance in Duluth is the emergence of pool stains that can mar the appearance of your otherwise beautiful pool. A crystal blue swimming pool can be a stunning addition to any landscape, but any stains can detract from its aesthetic impact.

Part of your regular pool care should involve inspection of your pool for developing stains. While many stains can be remediated with the help of skilled swimming pool cleaners, to effectively get rid of them you need to first know what caused them. Swimming pool stains can originate from many varied sources, so identifying them can be somewhat tricky. Keep reading to learn a few tips that can help you identify stains in your swimming pool so that they can be promptly removed.

Organic Matter Stains

One of the downfalls of many pools is that they’re wedged into existing backyard landscapes. That means that the pool was a later addition that came after the landscape was constructed, which can result in pools that are close in proximity to trees and shrubs. Unfortunately, those beautiful plants and trees can cause stains when their leaves fall into the pool and decompose, as they will leave green or brown stains on your pool surface. Also, stains that are blue, red, or pink can also develop when berries or blooms from surrounding vegetation falls into the pool. An organic stain can usually be removed with the application of chlorine applied directly to the stain. If the stain is truly organic in nature, it will be almost instantly diminished.

Metal Stains

There’s some metal in every pool by design, and there’s also the potential for metal debris to find its way into your pool as well. In the presence of water, metals oxidize, which can result in pool staining issues. For example, if you see a green stain that develops in your pool in the absence of decomposing organic material, it’s probably the result of copper oxidation. Likewise, red, orange, or brown stains are likely to stem from iron or steel that’s oxidized. Sometimes, iron stains can even be green depending on the water conditions and content of the metal. If metal is to blame for your pool stains, you can apply ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, directly to the stain.

Manganese Stains

Manganese is an element that can be found in some water supplies, especially when pools are filled using well water rather than water from a local utility. Though it’s usually invisible in water, it does undergo a chemical reaction when exposed to chlorine and nonchlorine shock products used to keep pool water clean and clear. Pool water that’s loaded with manganese will take on a dark, purplish tone once chlorine is added to it, and that can cause significant staining of grouts and other surfaces in the pool. The best way to get rid of manganese stains is through super-chlorination of the pool, which causes the manganese to oxidize more quickly. Then, the resulting rust settles to the bottom where it can be vacuumed out of the pool.

If you notice that your pool has been marred with stains, use these tips to identify the source of the stain take the proper action to remove them. To learn more about identifying pool stains and swimming pool care in Duluth, contact Sunrise Pool Services at (678) 804-0050.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.