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Tips for Cleaning Your Pool after a Pool Party

One of the best parts of warm weather is fun pool parties with neighbors, friends, and family. While the planning portion of throwing a party tends to take up a lot of your time and attention, it is just as important to properly clean your pool up afterwards. Read on to learn about the importance of getting your pool cleaned after a party, the steps needed to get your pool back in great shape, and how to properly care for your pool after a big summer blowout.

Why Extra Cleaning Is Needed After a Party

While you should always keep up on the cleaning and maintenance of your pool for hygienic, aesthetic, and damage-preventing purposes, a little extra love is needed after a pool party. Not only will your pool be filled with people of varying states of cleanliness, pool parties tend to have people bringing in extra debris with their bare feet from your yard. Parties also tend to have a higher amount of food and drink present, which increases the likelihood of those things making their way into your pool water.

Brush Your Pool Walls

This is the step that many pool owners skip, despite how important it is in keeping your pool clean and preventing long term problems. Brush your pool regularly to prevent algae buildup, smooth its surface, break up biofilms and mold, and remove dirt and other buildup. It also improves the circulation in your pool.

Skim and Remove Debris

The first and most obvious step after you’ve had a group of people swimming in your pool is to skim out any debris, leaves, grass, or garbage left behind. While your filter is able to remove a lot of these things from your pool, sometimes the volume left after a pool party can be overwhelming to the system, and no filter removes 100% of the particles from your pool.

Shock Your Pool

Now that the major debris is removed and things are shaken up by your brushing, it’s time to shock your pool. While you should have shocked your pool before having people over for a party, it’s wise to do it again after all those people have introduced their oils, dirt, bacteria, and pH-disrupting chemicals.

Run Your Pump

After shocking, run your pump to circulate the water and chemicals thoroughly. This also gives your pump a chance to clean things out and refresh your water back to its normal, clean state.

Balance Your Water

As a final step to ensure that your water is clean and ready to go, check your chemicals and make sure your chlorine, pH, etc. are properly balanced. If the numbers are where they should be, then you’re good to go. Otherwise, balance the water so it’s ready for the next swimmers.

Clean Your Pool Area

Of course, there’s more cleaning to do after a pool party than just the pool itself. Take this time to clean up your deck area, straighten toys or furniture, and truly “reset” the area back to your private, pristine pool space.

To schedule a cleaning with the best pool cleaners in John’s Creek, call Sunrise Pool Services Inc. today at 678-804-0050!

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.