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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

The Top 3 Signs Your Pool Needs Maintenance Service

Your swimming pool is supposed to be one of the most beautiful and relaxing spots on your property. However, Mother Nature would prefer to have some input on this, and will wreak havoc on your pool. From giving it a dingy appearance to wearing away at its most important materials, a swimming pool can develop serious flaws over time.

That’s where professional pool cleaning services in Buford, GA, come in. Professionals can visit your pool and restore it to good-as-new shape, and can even prevent the development of future problems like mildew and a broken filter.

So how do you know if your swimming pool might need these services? Start with these top 3 signs that a swimming pool is need in of professional care.

Problematic Pool Pumps

The pool pump is an essential component of the swimming pool, without which your pool will look like a savanna watering hole. If your swimming pool pump is not functioning properly or won’t turn on at all, then it’s incapable of filtering the pool water. Listen for an eerie silence. Is your pump making its usual water cycling noises? If not, it’s time to call swimming pool cleaners. Also look for a buildup of air in the pump or a lack of movement around the filter.

Non-Functional Filters

Cracks, leaks, and holes in the pool filter can completely negate the filter’s performance, which depends on the filter being a tight chamber for proper filtration. A swimming pool cleaning company should also be able to investigate your filter for flaws like a clog. If you notice that the pool water has more debris than usual, this is a clear sign that it’s time to have the filter inspected.

Stained Surfaces

If the pool deck, tile, or other materials in the pool appear dingy, then a professional cleaning is in order. Leaves, grass, dirt, and other foreign matter can attract fungi, which can lead to a mildewy appearance on the walls and floor of the pool. If you’re concerned that the water has developed a top layer of mildew, or is otherwise unsafe for swimming, don’t leave the decision to swim or not to your own knowledge. Contact a professional team to investigate and restore the water quality.

You should be sure to hire swimming pool maintenance on a regular basis. Their efforts can protect your pool’s pump, filtration system, water, deck, and the walls and floor from developing expensive damage. When your pool needs more than just a swish with your pool skimmer, call pool cleaning services in Buford, GA, for inspection, a deep cleaning, and so much more.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.