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Swimming Pool and Your Health: Ways to Lose Weight

If you have a pool, you know the advantages it offers when it comes to working out. To a lot of people, swimming is more interesting and fun than jogging or walking. It’s also a refreshing way to break up the day that most workouts can’t match. However, if you’re going to use your pool to get in shape and lose weight, you’ll want to do it right.

A Full Body Workout

Every time you go for a swim, you’re working every part of your body. Because you’re utilizing your arms and legs all at once, only swimming has the ability to tone your arms, legs, back, and chest all at the same time. For starters, water always offers resistance. If you’re moving in the pool at all, you’re working against the water’s resistance in every direction. It’s estimated that an easy swim can burn up to 500 calories, while a more aggressive swim and burn 700 or more. Every movement you make in the pool builds lean muscle in your core, hips, and glutes while boosting your metabolism.

It’s Easy to Do

Your swimming pool is like a multi-purpose gym waiting for you in your own backyard. As long as you keep good care of your pool with regular swimming pool maintenance service in Duluth, you can work out any time you like, day or night, and all you need for equipment is a swimming suit, cap, and goggles. Furthermore, if it’s a hot day, it’s far easier and more fun to burn calories in a swimming pool than running in the baking sun.

Ease Your Way into It

If you’re not used to swimming, you won’t exactly be like Michael Phelps your first day in the water. One of the great things about swimming, is you’re working different muscles than other workouts. The effect is that your body is experiencing a whole different type of strenuous exercise than it’s used to, so it’ll take a while for your body to get used to it. Start with swimming in short stints, using different kinds of strokes with a variety of intervals. Learning how to properly execute the backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl, is not only necessary if you’re going to get a full body workout, it’ll make your swimming sessions both more fun and challenging at the same time.

Once you get the basic strokes down, you’ll be amazed how much fun you can have as long as you’re regularly cleaning your pool, and using the correct swimming pool maintenance chemicals. Duluth can get pretty hot in the summer, and you can’t ask for a better gym than a cool pool on a hot day.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.