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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

Pool Maintenance Tips for Summer

Many homeowners in Georgia are starting to take off their pool covers as the weather starts warming up. It can be difficult to remember how to keep it fresh and clean after not using it for months. Now is arguably one of the best times to remember the benefits of home pool maintenance services so you’re ready for summertime fun! Here are a few tips to help you get into a routine:


Keep it Clean Around the Pool


To have a clean pool, you’ll need a clean deck. The wind can blow leaves or trash into your pool overnight, and more bugs will start showing up around the area as the temperatures rise. Simply hosing down the deck and pushing all of this junk away from the pool is an effective way to prevent debris from falling in the water.


Additionally, you need to be careful with how you handle food and drinks with your guests around the water. Pool parties can get out of hand quickly, so try to set ground rules as soon as you can and make sure every guest throws away their plates and cups once they are done using them. Once the party is over, immediately do a quick search over the area so that nothing falls in that you’ll have to fish out later.


Test Chlorine and Pool Levels


You need the right level of chlorine in the water to kill harmful bacteria without causing major harm to your skin. One thing you can do to help keep it stable is to check the filter to see if it needs to be cleaned down. If you don’t get rid of any accumulating oils and grease as soon as you can, they can contaminate your waters quickly.


Analyzing chemical levels is also instrumental in determining how much chlorine you need. Chances are, you won’t be getting a lot more water in the summer thanks to evaporation and jumping into the pool as many times as you want. You can refill it with some of the hose water, but you also need to preserve the existing chemicals that your pool has already. Otherwise, you could end up with a major imbalance that will only increase the more times you refill your pool with the hose.

Check for Cracks

Whether it’s around the pool or inside it, larger cracks can cause major issues for homeowners. They can make it uncomfortable to walk over, trap debris and trash that passes by them, or cause water from your pool to escape. You need to get these problems fixed as soon as you possibly can so you can have less worries before diving into the pool again.

You also need to check for cracks within the pool itself on the walls or on the floor. They may seem harmless at first, but they can cause serious problems if they aren’t tended to as quickly as possible.

Some damage can be more difficult to spot. You may need assistance from a swimming pool maintenance service in Alpharetta. Sunrise Pool Services is ready to help get your pool summer ready – call today!

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.