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Major Mistakes That Can Affect Your Pool Equipment

Owning a pool is a much bigger responsibility than many realize. It requires constant care and maintenance and a certain amount of knowledge to keep a pool running properly. Unfortunately, many first-time pool owners don’t have that necessary knowledge, and they make some seemingly harmless mistakes that actually end up damaging their pool equipment. Keep reading to learn what these mistakes are so that you can avoid a lot of preventable pool repairs in John’s Creek.


Letting Algae Get Out of Control

An algae problem in your pool is hard to miss. The green substance will begin to spread over your pool’s walls and floor, turning your pool into a murky, swamplike atmosphere over time. Besides making your pool a disgusting place to swim, an uncontrolled algae problem is also a major threat to your pool equipment. If large amounts of algae get sucked into your pool skimmer, it can clog it up. And, if the algae make its way to the pool filter, they can get stuck and prevent water from flowing through the pool’s circulation system. This can ultimately break down the equipment completely.

When it comes to algae, prevention is your best form of action. Keep your pool chemicals at their proper levels, and you shouldn’t have to worry about algae growth. If you start to notice green growth on your pool walls, take care of it immediately. Kill the algae using pool shock and an algaecide. Then, scrub the sides and bottom of your pool to scrape it off and vacuum it up.

Improper pH Levels

Most pool owners know that you have to maintain chlorine levels, but fewer know that you also have to monitor the pH levels. If your pool water becomes too acidic, it can damage practically anything that touches it, including your swimsuit, ladders, and handrails. It can damage your pool’s pump system as the water filters through it. This includes the filter, pump, and heater, to name just a few of the parts of your pool’s system.

Test your pH levels along with your chlorine levels on a regular basis. You want your pool water’s pH to be between 7.2 and 7.8. If it’s too low, you can add soda ash to bring it to a more neutral level.

Improper Water Hardness

When most people talk about hard water, they’re referring to their indoor plumbing. But water hardness can impact your pool too. Pool water that’s too hard has a cloudy appearance and can leave calcium deposits inside your pool equipment, which can ultimately ruin it. Water that’s too soft can also be a problem; it will sap the calcium out of your pool walls, damaging those surfaces permanently.

Your water’s calcium hardness should be between 175 and 225 ppm for vinyl or fiberglass pools and between 200 and 275 pm for concrete pools. Test it regularly, especially during the summer months, and speak to a pool maintenance professional if your numbers rise above or drop below the aforementioned ranges.

While these errors may seem small to someone without much knowledge about pool systems, they can lead to a lot of problems with your pool equipment. Make sure that you don’t make these mistakes, so your pool’s system can keep running properly for years. If you’d rather turn these tasks over to a pool maintenance professional in John’s Creek, contact Sunrise Pool Services, Inc., to ensure the job’s done right.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.