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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

How to Recognize a Dirty Pool

A swimming pool can be one of the best investments you’ll ever make, as long as you can figure out a good maintenance routine. The fun times, fitness benefits, and perfect getaway spot you’ll have can only happen if your water is clean and clear, so it is important to recognize when something is wrong with your pool or water. Read on for tips on recognizing those problems, pool cleaning, and swimming pool maintenance in Duluth.

A Regular Schedule

For most pool owners, getting on a regular cleaning schedule to prevent buildup and dirtiness is the preferred choice. Daily, it is beneficial to skim debris off the top, balance the chlorine or other chemicals, and make sure things look normal. On a weekly basis, a deeper clean is recommended. Shocking or otherwise treating your pool, scrubbing or brushing, and checking filters will prevent things from getting too dirty. You can tackle these projects yourself, involve your family, or hire them out.

Signs of a Dirty Pool

If your water starts to look a little “off,” you notice a strong chemical smell, your eyes are always red after swimming, algae starts to visibly build up, or you find scale deposits of calcium on the walls, they may be signs that your pool could use a thorough cleaning. If you’re unsure of what to do about your pool’s current state, or if you clean things meticulously and still notice problems, an inspection from professional pool cleaners in Duluth can be a great place to start.

Pool Maintenance and Cleaning Tips

In addition to setting a regular schedule so you don’t skip cleanings, it is helpful to stock up on the necessary pool supplies to avoid running out at critical moments. Plan your more intense treatments and cleanings for times where people won’t be swimming right away. If you ever have issues with your pool, both the Internet and your local pool shop can be great resources.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.