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How to Prevent Electric Safety Hazards in Swimming Pools

Chances are you’ve heard of someone who was injured or even killed in a pool accident. These types of accidents are horrifying to hear about especially when swimming pools are such fun additions to your home and a great way to cool off during the summer. With regular swimming pool maintenance service Alpharetta, and knowing how to avoid accidents around the pool, you can prevent these types of accidents from happening. Here are some of the basic measures to take to ensure your family is safe from electrical hazards while enjoying the pool.

Look at Your Pool Lighting

Pool experts have stated that outdated pool lights are the greatest risk of electrical accidents. If it’s been a while since you’ve upgraded, consider making the switch to some newer pool lights that will go a long way to make your pool a safer place to be.

Schedule Regular Pool Inspections

Regular pool inspections to make sure everything is in working order and identify potential electrical hazards in and around the pool is necessary. All the electrical components should be inspected during the pool inspection. If you have an older pool, especially if it was installed before you bought the house, then it’s a good idea to have it inspected thoroughly before using it.

Keep Electrical Components Away

If you have electrical devices and cords around the pool for electronics or other things you might have poolside, make sure to keep them at least 5 feet away from the pool always. Don’t leave cords anywhere near the pool. Extension cords and power cords that have been damaged should especially be kept away from the pool because these pose an increased risk.

Watch Your Kids and Guests

If you have a guest who is inebriated, or children at a pool party, make sure everyone can enjoy the pool and isn’t doing anything dangerous. Intoxicated people run an increased risk of doing something dangerous because they may have cloudy judgment. If there are children at the pool, make sure that there are responsible adults as well to keep the little ones safe.

  1. With regular swimming pool maintenance in Alpharetta, having an outdoor pool is a great investment for your property. They are so fun for neighbors, friends, and family to gather together during the summer and have a blast. However, your super fun pool can also be very dangerous if you’re not using it properly or practicing safe habits around your pool. Knowing how to stay safe around pools especially where electricity is concerned is top priority for enjoying the pool safely.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.