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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

How Often Should I Have My Pool Inspected?

Pool Water

A swimming pool is a great asset in any home. All homeowners would certainly appreciate a nice, refreshing dip on a hot, sunny day.

Additionally, it’s a great social spot where family and friends can gather to have a good time and bond with each other while swimming and playing. It could also serve as a great spot to host a neighborhood barbecue or a birthday pool party.

Swimming pools are just like a tourist attraction for family and friends!

Deciding to have a pool in your house comes with its own set of responsibilities. As much as swimming pools are a source of fun and relaxation, they can also constitute a hazard, especially for children.

As a pool owner, the health and safety of your pool users are in your hands. Routinely inspecting your pool can make it safer to swim in, thus, preventing health hazards.

When is the Best Time to Have Your Pool Inspected?

The best times to have a pool inspected is during the process of buying the house. The sight of a swimming pool often encourages home buyers to buy a house because, well, who doesn’t want to have such a luxury at their disposal?

If you’re in the process of buying a home, you should take more than just a cursory glance at the pool. It’s recommended that you get a pool inspector to thoroughly inspect it.

It’s better to identify and address issues at the start and have them resolved immediately at a lower cost before it gets worse. This can save you a lot of money in the long run.

How Often Should You Have Your Pool Inspected?

A swimming pool should be cleaned at least once or twice a week to prevent contamination. This is for basic cleaning.

However, a thorough inspection should be scheduled at least once every year, especially before the summer season begins.

Pool equipment like pumps, filters, and heaters should not be neglected and must be checked out before the swimming season.

Swimming pools tend to develop problems that are usually difficult to detect until they start to manifest in noticeable ways.

Some of the issues that could occur here include water leaks, issues with the pump and heater, broken tiles, and even loose screws on the diving board that can be very dangerous for the swimmers.

You must get your pool inspected to prevent these issues and other long-lasting damages.

Benefits of Regular Pool Inspection


Proper pool chemistry

Regularly inspecting your pool helps to manage and evaluate the chemicals in the pool. This is one of the toughest parts of owning a pool. You can’t just toss a cup of chlorine into your pool and run off into the sunset.

You must ensure that you have added the appropriate quantity to have a balance of chlorine and pH levels to ensure a safe environment for swimming.

Fortunately, this has been made easier with easy-to-use test kits and such. Regular inspection is the key to avoiding issues associated with your pool chemicals.

Consistent monitoring and adjustment of these chemicals will help to keep the pool clean and safe for use.

Regular pool inspections ensure your pool’s equipment is working properly

The equipment in the pool bears the brunt of most of the work in the swimming pool and must be monitored. This includes the filters, the pump, and other equipment.

It ensures that everything is running correctly and that there are no broken pieces of equipment floating in the pool that could constitute a choking hazard or lead to injuries.


Not everyone is equipped with the technical know-how to properly inspect a swimming pool. Besides, most pool owners prefer the glitz and glam that comes from owning a pool without the stress of maintenance. Fortunately, you can have both.

All you have to do is get the experts on the job. At Sunrise Pool, you can rest assured of a thorough swimming pool inspection. We’ve got trusted pool maintenance professionals on our team to offer you only the most reliable swimming pool services.

Having peace of mind when it comes to your pool is worth the price. Although, we offer convenient financing, so take the dive – Reach out to us today at Sunrise Pool or call 678-804-0050 for more information.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.