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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

Guide to Concrete Pool Care

Underground Pool

If you own a concrete pool, it’s essential to use pool care practices that protect the condition and longevity of various elements. Many pool owners make the mistake of having a pool installed without a proper maintenance plan. You only need to perform a few routine tasks to improve the lifespan of your pool and avoid costly problems.

While some pool builders offer a lifetime structure warranty, it’s still critical to maintain your pool if you want it to last a long time. The Sunrise Pool Service Inc experts take a look at some key pool care steps below so that you can protect your concrete pool:

1. Routinely Skim Your Pool’s Surface

With the new pool finished, it is essential to clean the surface routinely if you want to prevent the proliferation of algae and other damaging growths under the water. Dead leaves and other natural substances form an environment where algae thrive. Skimming the top of our pool will prevent this growth and downplay the need for tedious acid washing solutions.

2. Vacuum Your Concrete Pool

Vacuuming your pool routinely is another useful method for preventing algae and other harmful growths from ruining your next refreshing swim. You can use a manual vacuum or automatic vacuum, each with many pros and cons that might make one choice better for your family. The average cost of automatic vacuums is higher than manual ones, but they make a concrete pool much easier to clean.

3. Clean Your Pool’s Walls (And Other Surfaces)

Algae and other organic matter begin to accumulate on a pool’s walls overnight in the right conditions. If you want to avoid damaging the surfaces on and around your concrete pool long term, it’s critical to clean the walls regularly. Using a hard bristle brush is the best way to remove this stubborn buildup from the pool’s surfaces.

4. Keep Tabs on Your Filter

Your pool filter is responsible for continuously cleaning your pool water. If your filter is too full, it might impact your concrete swimming pool’s cleanliness or lead to a nasty blockage.

5. Maintain Adequate Chemical Levels

Keeping your pool chemicals at adequate levels is essential. Chlorine and algaecide are two of the most popular options for maintenance, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that your water pH levels are at the correct threshold for your pool’s volume.

Contact Sunrise Pool Services Inc. for Professional Pool Maintenance Solutions

While some pool owners perform their own pool maintenance routines, you can also use a professional service like ours to protect your pool. At Sunrise Pool Services Inc., we provide professional pool cleaning and pool maintenance for all types of pool structures, including:

• any type of inground pool,

• vinyl liner pools,

• a concrete swimming pool,

• fiberglass swimming pools, and

• other pools in all shapes and sizes.

We can also supply pool accessories, a concrete pool deck, and more. If you’d like to speak with our team about professional concrete pool care, contact us at 678-804-0050 today.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.