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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

Cool Down in the Pool This Summer: Pool Care Tips

It’s easy to get intimidated by pool maintenance if you’re a first-time pool owner. Sure, the pool looks clear and inviting when you go through the open house, but once the pool is firmly in your ownership, it can seem like a bother to make sure it’s clean and running for the summer season. We guarantee that with these tips for making pool care easy, your time by the pool will be almost all relaxation and only an occasional bit of work.  

Know about Your Pool

Just like when you first go out with someone, you and your new pool need a period of time to get to know each other before getting serious. When you move into your house, check out what type of pump and filtration system you have. There are 3 broad types of pool filters in residential pools: sand, diatomaceous earth filters (Isn’t that a mouthful? DE for short), and cartridge. Each has its specific components, but they all need occasional cleaning and servicing. For all of these, filters should be cleaned once a season to remove debris and dissolve oils. Filter cleaners work with most types of filters to remove dirt and leaves that might be preventing your pool from filtering correctly.

Get Your Pool Tested!

About 2 to 3 times per week in the summer months, you should be testing your pool’s pH and chemical levels. You can get easy-to-read and understand test trips from stores that carry gear for swimming pool care in Cumming. The ideal pH is between 7.2 and 7.6. This is a neutral pH and will not burn the skin of the people in your swimming pool. Acidic and basic chemicals will tip the pH of your pool in either direction to compensate for slight shifts, so if your pool tends one way or the other, keep the corresponding materials on hand to ensure a comfortable swimming experience for your friends and family.

Proper Chlorination Levels

Chlorine is the soldier that kills bacteria and other gross stuff that tends to hang out in water that’s sitting still. Investigate chlorine tablets, skimmer sticks, and granules until you’ve decided which is easiest to add to your pool water in the correct amount. Every pool-supply store will have its preferred brands, but you just need to figure out the correct concentration for your pool’s size.

With all of these pool maintenance tips in mind, you can sit back in the sun with peace of mind and enjoy your pool all summer long.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.