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Common Pool Bugs

There’s no doubt about it – having a pool can be great. Many homeowners love the fact that they can exercise at their pool whenever it’s convenient, while others simply appreciate the fact that there’s a place to congregate when it’s warm and sunny out. Unfortunately, these days can also be spoiled by water bugs in pool when you least expect it.

It doesn’t matter if you are using your pool every day or only use it to throw a couple of summer parties per year. No one wants water bugs in pool, and it could help to know what exactly you are dealing with. Here, we break down some common pool bugs and examine the differences between them.

The Water Boatmen

If we are going to talk about pool bugs, it will help to start with the water boatmen. These water bugs in pool might not just be hanging out at your pool, but they can be found in virtually ANY freshwater environment in the world. While these pool bugs are known as “water boatmen” in the United States, they are also known as corixidae across the globe.

These insects are mostly non-predatory, and they prefer to feed on plants and algae. These pool bugs are known for their triangular heads, and their forelegs are shaped like oars. This is the reason why these water bugs in pool are called “water boatmen.”

The Backswimmer

Backswimmers are some of the most common pool bugs that you encounter, and there’s a reason for the name. These insects swim upside down, and they paddle with their hind-legs hoping to find prey that may even include small fish.

These pool bugs use extra oxygen stored in their abdomen to remain submerged. Interestingly enough, backswimmers can be a bit harder to spot than other pool bugs because they are capable of countershading to blend in with the environment.

The Springtail

The springtail is smaller than other pool bugs, and they are hexapods – which means that they are technically not considered insects. However, this is debated among anthropologists. These waterbugs in pool tend to live in moist conditions and are omnivorous.

These pool bugs often fall into your pool on accident rather than trying to make a habitat there. Many of them are almost too small to see, and springtails tend to be around 1/16th of an inch.

Dealing with Water Bugs In Pool

We’ve described several common pool bugs, but now let’s discuss some steps that can be taken to deal with water bugs in pool. First, pool owners should consider switching out light bulbs for a kind of lightbulb that is less likely to attract insects. This can mean a significant improvement when it comes to keeping out water bugs in pool.

Second, make sure that you are either using a pool cover when not using the pool or enclosing your pool with a screen. Third, pool owners should also keep their grass mowed to stop more insects from being attracted to the area. Lastly, test chlorine levels in your regularly to keep pool bugs out.

Find yourself needing pool services? Reach out to Sunrise Pool Services at our website or by calling 678-804-0050!

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Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.