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Keeping Georgia’s Pools Sparkling Clean Since 1981

All about Chemical-Free Pool Maintenance

Maintaining your pool without the use of toxic, unnatural chemicals is possible, if not difficult. It takes some planning and research to maintain a safe and clean pool through natural methods. When you think about it, bodies of water that are chemical-free include ponds and lakes, but unless you want slimy rocks at the bottom of your pool, you probably want to put more effort into yours. This means that you must practice natural maintenance, not simply let nature take its course.

Thankfully, pool maintenance professionals in Alpharetta can give you advice for keeping your pool safe, clean, and beautiful without the use of unnatural methods. With their help, you can enjoy the many benefits of swimming in an all-natural, chemical-free pool. Here is an initial guide for those looking to practice swimming pool maintenance without chemicals in Alpharetta.

Why Avoid Chlorinating the Pool?

Adding chlorine to pool water is the most common way of keeping insects, mold, algae, bacteria, and other unwanted live matter out of pool. However, chlorine has unwanted effects on humans as well. Your hair, skin, eyes, and clothing can be damaged by chlorine. There are chemical-free methods for cleaning your pool, though, such as using natural oxygen or saltwater to kill pathogens that will make water ugly and unsafe.

Using Copper

Some advanced forms of technology that clean pools safely and naturally include the use of copper. Copper additives will clean the water and kill bacteria without any threat to swimmers, even if you ingest some of the water! A pool service company in Alpharetta can use copper—an element that, unlike chlorine, naturally occurs in its pure form in nature—to clean your pool.

Converting Oxygen

Another chemical-free cleaning method involves taking the oxygen from the pool water and converting it to ozone, another form of oxygen in a gaseous state. These methods can keep your pool clean but require some supervision by a local pool company. They will regularly check the water levels in your pool and ensure that this process is actually keeping your pool safe for swimmers.

While you can certainly treat the pool through these natural methods, you will still need to use pool maintenance supplies from Alpharetta, such as skimmers, to keep foreign matter out of the pool and to clean the walls, floor, and deck of the pool. With chemical-free treatments and regular cleanings, though, you can enjoy a safe, natural, and beautiful pool without any danger to your family or guests. Chlorine and artificial additives are effective in keeping pools clean, but do not forget that swimming pool maintenance with chemicals in Alpharetta pools has its drawbacks. Natural methods are always safer.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.