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A Guide to Determine Your Swimming Pool’s pH Levels

Along with pool repairs in Alpharetta, contractors can also test pH levels. Analyzing the chemical composition of water is one of the things you have to learn when you own a swimming pool. It gives you a lot of information on water composition and ensures everyone using it is safe.

Intro to pH Levels

Scientists use pH levels to measure the balance of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in liquids. They determine how acidic or alkaline the water is. The range goes from 0-14, with 7 indicating neutrality.

If the results are on the lower end, this means the water has more acid, while anything bigger indicates that the liquid has a higher base. Measuring it is an essential skill in swimming pool maintenance. It’ll ensure clean and safe use.

For your purposes, you want a pH level ranging from 7.2-8.0, with 7.5 being the perfect mix of chemicals. If it’s too acidic, your eyes may become irritated while swimming. The water may also corrode and damage equipment, such as your filter and pump.

Meanwhile, you shouldn’t let the level get past 8.0, either. The excessively alkaline liquid will irritate your skin. The chlorine won’t be as effective, and your water will turn cloudy as minerals, such as calcium and potassium, grow on the walls.

When to Test Your Pool

There’s no set guideline saying how often you need to analyze the pool’s pH. Some people do it daily to ensure that the chemicals are always balanced. But, you can also have a less strict schedule.

Experts recommend doing it 2-3 times a week to make sure the water isn’t tipping too much to one side. Analyze the total alkalinity and conduct an acid demand test.

Take note of the chemicals and minerals in the pool, as well, during your pH tests. Check for the chlorine content, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid levels, and the total dissolved solids (TDS).

If you have questions on how to schedule your tests, seek an expert’s advice. Explain your situation to them, and the two of you can figure out a timeline together that’ll keep your pool safe and that’s convenient for you.

How to Test Your Pool

There are many ways to test the water. The most accessible method is using a pH meter to measure both the pH level and the chlorine content.

The device will analyze the liquid and show a digital display where you can see the pH and chlorine levels. The machine will also give you advice on what you should do based on your results.

But, once you become more experienced in maintaining your pool, you can start using more complex test kits that measure the different chemicals in the water.

You’ll need to fill the vials with a sample first. Once that’s done, you can start adding various solutions into the device to figure out the different chemical levels. This will give you a reading that’s more accurate and detailed than digital machines do.

Some solutions can test for chlorine, while others deal with pH levels, acid demand, and total alkalinity. There are several vials in the kit, so you can analyze these aspects separately. This will give you a more comprehensive picture of your pool’s chemical composition and make it easier to detect if something needs to be corrected.

If there’s a significant imbalance in your pool’s chemical composition, call experts to handle it. They have the specialized equipment to get to the root cause and resolve it quickly and efficiently.

This is just a brief guide on the importance of measuring pH levels and how you can do it regularly. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from swimming pool cleaners in Alpharetta. Call Sunrise Pool Services Inc. to get in touch with expert contractors.

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Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.