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A Complete Guide to Pool Stain Removal

Owning a swimming pool means you’re responsible for a lot of upkeep and making sure you get regular professional pool maintenance service in Buford, GA. Unfortunately, even well-maintained pools can sometimes develop stains, so it’s important to know the common causes of pool stains and what you can do about them. Keep reading to learn.

Organic Stains

Organic stains commonly occur from organic matter, such as foliage, dirt, and algae that accumulates in the pool. Stains from algae, leaves, or other plant life are green or brown. Red or blue stains are typically from berries that might grow near your pool. You can test for organic stains by adding some granular chlorine directly to the stain and then scrubbing it with a brush. If the stain fades away, it’s probably organic. Organic stains are the easiest to remove and can be done by shocking the pool, applying granualar chlorine directly to the stain, and scrubbing the area.

Metal Stains

In many cases, what looks like an organic stain is actually a metal stain. If granular chlorine that’s applied directly to the stain doesn’t cause it to fade away, you’re most likely dealing with a metal stain. Metal stains can be from iron, copper, or manganese that’s introduced into the pool via equipment or corroded plumbing. Metal stains may also be caused by high metal content in the water source. Ascorbic and citric acid can remove iron- or copper-based stains. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know what type of metal you’re dealing with, so it’s a good idea to have a pool company test the stain and recommend removal products or have professionals clean the stain for better results.

Rust Stains

Rust is generally easy to identify, and you’ll usually see it right around metal pool fixtures or metal items left in the pool. The rust stain appears when the metal starts to corrode. If you’re still not certain that the stain is rust, you can apply a handful of sodium bisulfate directly to the stain and then brush it into the stain. If it starts to fade away, then it’s definitely a rust stain. Although rust may seem difficult to remove, a pool maintenance company can do it rather quickly. If you decide to remove the stain yourself, you’ll need to apply dry acid to the stain constantly and alternate that with ascorbic or citric acid and scrubbing.

Waterline or Mineral Stains

Waterline pool stains look like a white- or pink-tinged residue, which is caused by dirt and bodily oils. These are easy to remove with an enzyme treatment, sprinkles of granular chlorine, and brushing. There are products specifically designed for this type of stain that you can purchase to remove more stubborn waterline stains. Stains from minerals are similar to waterline stains and look like a chalky residue that forms right above the waterline. This is common in water supplies with high levels of calcium. Vinegar tends to work effectively on these hard water deposits, so you can use a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar to scrub it away.

Preventing Stains

If you don’t want to deal with frequent stains, make sure you have the right swimming pool maintenance chemicals in Buford, GA, on hand to test and balance your water a couple times a week. Proper skimming and vacuuming can also help cut down on stains. In addition, make sure you have your pool cleaned professionally as needed. To schedule your next cleaning, contact Sunrise Pool Services Inc. today.

Learn More About Our Pool Services

Sunrise Pool Services is a company offering a wide range of pool services. From pool cleaning to pool renovation, our expert staff of pool professionals can do it all. To get started or to learn more, get in touch with us today.