5 Signs You Need a Professional Pool Inspection

Pools can quickly go from a water-filled activity to a bacteria fest full of plumbing problems and outdated equipment. To prevent costly damage or repairs, it’s important to get a pool inspection regularly. It’ll not only save your summer but can very well save your health.

A pool inspector can help you recognize potential problems in the pool, including outdated ones. Many times, these issues can go undetected until they cause significant damage and cost lots of money to fix. Here are five signs that you need a professional pool inspection:

1. Outdated Equipment

If your pool is older than 15 years, chances are the equipment is outdated and needs to be replaced. Don’t leave it to chance—you could be risking your health with faulty or broken equipment. Here’s some equipment to get used to checking:

  • Filters
  • Pumps
  • Motor
  • Skimmers
  • Timer

2. Plumbing Problems

Plumping problems are two words you don’t want to hear when it comes to your pool. A professional pool inspector can be your best friend when you suspect a plumbing problem. If you don’t know what a plumbing problem looks like, consider the following signs:

3. Selling Your House

You can’t sell your house without a pool inspection. If you’re putting your house on the market, a pool inspection can be the difference between a quick sale and an endless wait. Imagine someone buys your house and then discovers an expensive problem with the pool. In turn, they could come after you for costly damage.

An inspection can not only guarantee a successful sale but mitigate the risk.

4. Thinking About a Remodel

Taking on a remodel can be an exciting new adventure as you envision refreshing your pool area. From a brand-new deck to an upgraded pool, remodeling can make all the difference. But before you start tearing apart the structure, consider a pool inspection to ensure that any existing plumbing problems or faulty equipment won’t be exacerbated. The last thing you want is to have a remodel that needs another repair down the line.

5. Regular Maintenance

No matter how old your pool is, regular maintenance is always a necessity. A pool inspector can provide you with the most up-to-date advice and maintenance care for your pool, so you’re not at risk of having any plumbing problems or faulty equipment. Just because your pool looks pretty, doesn’t mean it’s in perfect condition.

Whether you have a brand-new pool or an older one, it’s important to get regular inspections. That way, you can feel confident that your pool is in tip-top shape and safe for everyone to use. However, not all inspections are created equal. When you’re looking for a professional pool inspector, make sure to do your research and read reviews.

Experience a Thorough Professional Pool Inspection with Sunrise Pool Services

At Sunrise Pool Services, we provide thorough professional inspections for both residential and commercial pools. Our certified technicians use the latest technology to quickly assess your pool and identify any potential risks or problems. But we can do more than a quick fix—we also provide comprehensive maintenance services for your pool.

Contact us today to experience a thorough professional pool inspection.