Indoor pools produce a tricky environment. Slipping and falling are obvious hazards, but that’s true at any pool. Indoor pools can also increase humidity, which could damage electrical systems, or even increase wood rot. A pool should be fun, but humidity can hinder the experience and even cause damage to building materials if left uncontrolled. Pool maintenance professionals in John’s Creek can help you control the humidity, and preserve the beauty and structure of your indoor pool.
Chlorine is aggressive. This shouldn’t surprise any who knows about pools or has a background in chemistry. Although humidity is a concern in and of itself, the chlorine that travels with water vapor is also something to consider. Chlorine is known to attack and harm building materials, and it’s easily spread through condensation. This is something to keep in mind, since controlling humidity should also aid in limiting the negative impact of chlorine.
As you know, maintaining the chemicals in your pool and the pH balance are both part of regular upkeep. The unfortunate reality is that chemicals used to prevent algae from growing or spreading is also sufficient to hasten damage to the surrounding structure and materials. Luckily, humidity can be limited and much of the harm can be avoid with proper circulation and by reducing the humidity in the area.
Every homeowner knows that water damage isn’t something to take lightly. A moist environment allows bacteria to flourish, as well as mold. Over time, the moisture can encourage and hasten wood rot, as well as damage any concrete that isn’t properly sealed. When coupled with chlorine, the humidity and condensation become even more problematic. If you want to avoid water damage and preserve nearby building materials, it’s best to have humidity levels under control.
A dehumidifier and ventilation are both essentials. The dehumidifier pulls water vapor out of the air. This is a more direct process for limiting humidity. Proper ventilation and airflow prevent humidity from becoming a problem in the first place. It’s a more proactive approach. However, ventilation, airflow, and a dehumidifier should all work together in order to offer you the greatest benefit. Putting together the equipment and using it optimally are both key. It’s best to put a professional on the job, so they can design an effective solution.
While it may seem like this will increase your costs initially, you should think about the long-term results. Damage to building materials will lead to costly repairs if allowed to continue unabated. Preventing the harm in the first place is a much better option. In the meantime, it’ll also make you and anyone using your pool much more comfortable.
This shouldn’t be understated. Pools are meant to be enjoyed. Whether you rely on a pool for exercise, swim practice, or simply for pleasure, a pool ought to be a fun experience. A highly humid environment can make it difficult to breathe, not to mention a sticky heat tends to make people miserable. If you want to get the most out of your indoor pool, you should invest in the tools and planning needed to control the humidity in the area. It’s the easiest way to ensure that everyone enjoys their pool time.
Regular pool maintenance service in John’s Creek is essential, and humidity controls should be part of your standard process. It protects building materials and your investment, while ensuring that everyone has a more pleasurable experience. Speak with the experienced team at Sunrise Pool Services to learn more about pool maintenance and upkeep.